Success stories

With more than 20 years serving the Salvadoran market, SERTRACEN operates the Public Registry of Motor Vehicles, Issuance of Driver’s Licenses, Administration of Vehicle Identification Plates and Registry of traffic offenses for the Vice Ministry of Transportation, complying with strict quality standards and processes. certified under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

Sertracen operates the driver’s license issuance service in the national territory through 11 offices. Throughout more than 10 years of operation, it has innovated the way of serving drivers in the Panamanian territory, allowing to streamline the attention of its procedures with face-to-face modalities with selection of appointment dates and through its platform of procedures and payments in line. Each of these complying with high quality standards and attention processes certified with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
Likewise, for the Transit and Land Transportation Authority, it provides support and maintenance services for registration procedures systems, attention to traffic hearings, registration and control of traffic offenses, among others.

Sertracen made the provision of equipment and systems for the General Directorate of Civil Registry, Identification and Cedulation for the issuance of the electronic card and electronic passport for the identification of Ecuadorians. The electronic card is integrated with digital identity and electronic signature systems, allowing online procedures to be carried out, ensuring identity. The service provided to the Ecuadorian government for this contract includes the support and maintenance of the platforms related to the contracted services.